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A primer on our knowledge base.

Research Team

Our vision is to elevate individuals, with minimal prior knowledge regarding research, to the best of their potential such that they can voice their opinions in academically acceptable manner and play an influential role in enhancing communities around them. Alongside our extensive knowledge base available as open access, we are introducing a series of posts that are created to further assist students and individual researchers-primarily enhancing their understanding of current research landscape and providing insights into the cutting edge of disciplines. This is our humble attempt to bridge the ever increasing gap between a novice and academic institutes world-wide, while at the same time enabling novices to align their knowledge and skill-set with the state-of-the-art of research. In that regard, we provide assistance to the ones with a passion to contribute to the society and equip them with all the essential tools to make their research work valuable for the broader academic community.

In some ways we are attempting to fully democratize research, as in our opinion every individual houses in them paramount potential waiting to be tapped. In this way we can truly utilize the cognitive resources around the world and collectively solve every problem that we face. Just as with the introduction of printing press in the 15th century, information was accessible to every individual at a minimal cost, it is time that we attempt at making "contribution to information" accessible for every individual at a minimal cost. We might be presumptuous here, but according to the revered inventor of our times, Elon Musk, "If something's important enough you should try. Even if the probable outcome is failure."

Elon Musk, CEO of SpaceX, announces a private passenger flight to the Moon in September 2018. Mario Tama/Getty Images

We would like to apologize in advance for any nuances that veterans may register; although, we will try to keep our content free of mistakes but achieving perfection in such vast territory is an insurmountable challenge. We understand that the information provided is contestable and the claims will always need further reasoning and proof. Our team comprises of experienced researchers from multiple disciplines, and all our posts will be discussed for their efficacy and authenticity in an internal peer-review manner. However, as researchers we dutifully realize that our knowledge is not in any way binding and we are not tempted to be dogmatic. We would welcome any critique and try our level best to develop and get better.

In this post, we attempt to define the organisation and style of each post that will follow. Given that we are promoting research, we will try to make these posts backed by appropriate scholarly publications. Every post shall take a form of a research report or thesis; more towards the category of review articles. In contrast, we have to make sure that the posts do appear boring or too dogmatic to the reader; therefore, we will try to add some flavor of serendipity.

The posts will be structured primarily to do two things:

  • firstly, they do not stress the reader by being easy to follow and understand;

  • secondly, they have an element of trust, (vastly missing in internet sources) by being transparent and verifiable.

We would start by providing a background and set a rationale, which will then be followed with a small review of literature, then the main objective will be defined, followed by the actual information presented in a categorical manner alongside a list of resources which can be used instantly. We will try to present only those data which are already contested and validated. Side by side, an attempt will be made to make the posts entertaining by adding catchy introductions and visuals.

We hope you enjoy these tidbits of information and we hope we can in some way make a positive change in your life. We would like to hear your opinions and we will try our best to act on your suggestion. Here, at the end we would invite you to watch a small documentary on "The 15th Century Printing Press" and ponder on the similarities we have with those times, only this time it is the restrictions individuals face in accessing the "contribution to information" as compared to the restrictions in access of "information".

Kindly write us on,


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