Mistakes to avoid
One of the most common mistakes made by non-native English speakers is related to count and non-count nouns. Therefore, in the first section we will focus on understanding the sources of such mistakes and provide examples to help you in registering and correcting them in your own writing.
2. Using articles ("The") appropriately
Another widely prevalent issue with non-native English speaker is related to the use of articles, specifically use of "The". We will focus on understanding when is it appropriate to use "The" as an article and when is it important to avoid using it. As from experience the problem lies in usage of "the" where it is not required.
3. Quantifiers
Using quantifiers can be tricky, especially when there are varying rules depending upon multiple variables. A lot of mistakes can be made in using quantifiers. Hence, we have designed this video to tackle some of the difficult ones, which may allow you to avoid such mistakes in your writing.
4. Gerunds and Infinitives
Gerunds form an exception in grammar rules where a verb can be used as nouns. They can be used as a subject or object in a sentence. A similar problem comes with infinitives, as they seem like a verb but are not used as the main verb in a sentence; therefore, not representing tense. Such usage gets confusing as there are exceptions to general rules in particular cases. In these short videos our team will try to give you an insight into tricky instances and aware you of some common mistakes that you might be making.
5. Making Requests
Using the right language while making a request can be tricky as different context require different usage. In academic writing asking questions in different forms is important; therefore, we have formulated videos in-order to define correct ways in which questions can be asked and to point out some common mistakes.
6. Pronouns
Pronouns also pose usage difficulty for non-native English speakers as they do not abide by a single rule. In the following video we will take a look on some of the problems you might face while using pronouns.
7. Problematic Adjectives and Adverbs
8. Tricky Nouns and Verbs
9. Confusing Prepositions
10. Issues with Phrasal Verbs and Collocations