Structure and Formatting
Outlining the Study
Given your overwhelming requests and significance of structure and formatting, this section is considerably long; therefore, feel free to use contents to navigate.
If you think before you write and then sketch a tentative plan, drafting goes faster and produces a better result. Those who just sit down and try to think of the first word and then the next risk writer’s block or, worse, a trickle of words that puddle into shapeless paragraphs. But before you plan a draft, you should first reflect on both why and how you draft.
Structure and Formatting for an academic piece vary depending on the disciplinary context as well as the kind of document being prepared. Hence, it is important to thoroughly analyze the instructions provided for the structure and formatting of academic piece, by the concerned institution. Although, there are no set rules shared across all kinds of academic works, but there are some underlying best practices that can be considered when defining the structure and formatting.
Everyone does outlines. Many people actually use them to shape their writing. Some use them most at the start of the writing process as a device for getting a sense of the paper as a whole, and then abandon them as they write. Others create an outline at the start and then modify it as they go along, making outlining part of the iterative process of writing, using the outline to document the changes they make as much as to structure the writing they do.
There are generally three levels of outlining, starting from minimum to maximum details.
Level 1, generally includes definition of the following, from a broad perspective, connecting every section to the defined thesis statement and research objectives:
Topics and Sub-topics in the literature review
A basic research approach/conceptual framework
Topics and sub-topics for results and analysis
An overview of discussions
An overview of conclusion
Level 2, is based on disintegrating topics defined in each section into their 3 counterparts.
Level 3, is based on further defining each counterpart into its 5 constituents.
Each counterpart and constituent is given an appropriate title, which should be chained to the ones before and after. In this way you will give a certain direction to each paragraph and all of them will have a role to play in light of the defined research objectives.
Every writer does a level 1 outline, going to the first level of outlining, some go into slightly more detail, moving into level 2, but, as far as I can tell, almost no one bothers to go as far as level 3. There may be good reasons for this. Perhaps people feel that they will be wasting their time by doing so much outlining. Perhaps they have internalized the sub-structures that level 3 requires, although for new writers this may be less likely. Perhaps those who never go as far as level 3 are not aware of the benefits; they are not aware, for example, of how the columns can structure the essential thinking processes that are an important part of writing an academic paper. Producing column 3 may take hours of thinking, checking and rethinking.
Yet, each level has a purpose in the writing process. All of them can be used for different purposes, as you design your paper. In practice, you may find that while you favor one or other level – or perhaps you have some other way – of outlining, each has a distinct effect:
Level 1 outlining is useful for setting out the proportions of your main sections. In this form it is easy to calibrate your outline with the target journal, checking that your sections are named in a way that is appropriate for that journal and that the proportions match.
Level 2 outlining means making additional content and structure decisions. You can also do some checks on continuity: are the sub-sections in the right order? Do you really need them all? Can some section topics be compressed into a sentence or two? You can begin to think of the links and transitions you will need to use to make connections and changes of direction in your argument explicit.
Level 3 outlining is a way of developing a detailed ‘design’ for your paper. You can decide exactly what is going into each section. At this level you can also check for internal continuity: are the content, proportions and connections coherent? Each level can be seen as having its own purpose in the writing process, helping you to make different levels of decision. Staging the decisions in this way may be easier for new writers or for busy, experienced writers who can only work on their outlines in short time slots.
Of course, you will adapt your outline – even the level 3 outline – as you write, but you will more quickly and coherently be able to distinguish between what you should add and what you should cut from your paper if you have level 3 outlining; even with a detailed outline, you may find that you write a section that is not relevant to your paper. You can calibrate your writing with your outline: should you change one or the other? Will that still fit your target journal?
Outlining is not about word counting for its own sake; it is about you finding a way to prompt yourself to make the numerous decisions about content and order that will construct your argument. Each stage involves much more thinking than counting, but counting words as you go is a way of keeping a check on your writing. It is safe to assume that you will not always write exactly the number of words that you set out to write. You are likely to write more or less, in unpredictable patterns. In order to keep control and focus, you need to have some way of checking that what you are writing is relevant to your paper. An added benefit – and an important motivational tool – is that as you complete each section you see yourself achieving numerous sub-goals. What are the implications of these approaches for your writing practice? If you only do level 1 outlining, you create a set of writing tasks that inevitably require large chunks of time. If you only do level 2 outlining, you still have decisions to make about content and continuity, and you will have to make these as you are writing. If, however, you have writing tasks as small as 100 words, you know that you can do these in short bursts. You can more easily fit them into your busy timetable. Your writing process is more easily and coherently ‘fragmented’, in a positive sense.
Once you have designed writing tasks, get them into your timetable, diary or electronic organizer. Establish writing slots for each task: how much time will you need for each task? When will you find it? This may involve some trial and error: how much time do you need, for example, to write one of those 100-word sub-sub-sections?
If you do not define your writing tasks precisely – perhaps even as precisely as this – you may struggle, and even fail, to establish how long you will need for each one. In fact, you may not even see the point of doing so. You will fail to learn how long you need for each different writing task. This is not to say that there is one set pace of writing to which you should aspire, but if you note how long you take to produce each section you can begin to set yourself realistic goals, goals based on your actual experience of writing, rather than on someone else’s output or some notional ideal rate. Setting specific, realistic goals is an important step in the process of becoming a productive writer.
Murray’ 10 prompts for effective outline
You could use these 10 questions to capture the essence of your paper, forcing yourself to make decisions about the main points and establishing a strong logical flow at an early stage.
Note the proportions here that allow much more time, twice as much, for you to write about what you did, rather than why you did it or what you think it means. For the purposes of your paper, of course, you will be writing in the past tense, reporting on work done, which is why the 10 prompts are in the past tense.
This work needed to be done because . . . 25 words
Those who will benefit from this include . . . 25 words
What I did was . . . 25 words
How I did that was by . . . 25 words
When I did that what happened was . . . 50 words
I worked out what that meant by . . . 50 words
I did what I set out to do to the extent that . . . 25 words
The implications for research are . . . 25 words
The implications for practice are . . . 25 words
What still needs to be done is . . . 25 words
Writing an Abstract
The overall goal of the abstract is to show how your proposed study will extend prior research in the area, briefly encapsulate the study methods (particularly any innovative methods), as well as provide the key significance of potential study findings. Keep in mind that your goal is to provide enough information for potential readers to make informed decisions on whether to read the rest of your study. The abstract is the teaser or appetizer. If it doesn’t grab the reader’s attention now, you may have permanently missed your window of opportunity.
Devices such as lists of questions can help you to structure your ideas and move towards outlining and ‘text production’. It could be that the various steps in writing – thinking, ‘idea generation’ and composition – can be progressed using different techniques or frameworks. It may even be that different stages require different frameworks.
You need frameworks that help you think about writing, think as you write and write as you think. Most academic writers I have met have taken a passing interest in explanations of the thinking processes involved in writing, but they are primarily looking for ways of translating their thinking into writing. Whether they are right or wrong to do so is not really the issue. The point is that they need tools for getting started quickly, preferably tools that have been tried and tested in academic contexts.
In general an abstract should answer the following questions chronologically:
1. What background motivates your study?
2. What are your key aims?
3. What are the key aspects of your methodology?
4. What are the results you achieved?
5. What is the significance and implications of those results?
One example of framework for abstracts is Brown’s 8 questions. This has proved to be a useful tool for prompting those writing for academic journals, particularly new writers, to do some of the important thinking that is required for writing their paper. It gives you a framework for drafting the abstract or summary of your paper, considering such key questions as audience and the main purpose for that audience.
This lets you see the paper as a whole, a perspective that helps you hold the paper together throughout the writing process. An abstract is, in some ways, different from other forms of academic writing; you have to make a rhetorical adjustment. For example, while in the full paper it is essential to provide a context for the work you have done, in the abstract you assert a reason why the work needed to be done, perhaps in no more than one sentence. This form of thinner contextualization liberates you from providing much in the way of definition and explanation. This again means that you can focus on the main points of your argument. At later stages in your writing process, you can use your abstract as a tool for maintaining that focus; it provides a kind of ‘filter’, helping you to decide what to put in and what to leave out as you write your paper.
You have to write the abstract so well that the so-called ‘general reader’ can understand it. However, this does not mean that you should write it for someone who is not an expert in your area. When people tell you that a general reader should be able to read your paper or abstract, what they probably mean is that it should be extremely well written, with the connections between sentences crystal clear and the purpose and value of your paper explicitly defined.
For these reasons it can be useful to write your abstract at an early stage in the paper-writing process. In the past, you may have thought of it as the last writing task; many people do. But if you write it first you can use it as a touchstone as you write. In addition to revising it as you go along, you can revise it after your final revisions of the paper. In other words, write it first and revise it last.
Writing the abstract of your paper, therefore, forces you to capture the ‘essence’ of the whole: ‘The word limits are arbitrary, but important for the discipline of getting down to the essence of what needs to be said’ (Brown 1994/95).
Use Brown’s 8 questions to draft your abstract:
Write for 30 minutes on the subject of your journal article
Who are the intended readers? List three to five of them by name.
What did you do? (50 words)
Why did you do it? (50 words)
What happened [when you did that]? (50 words)
What do the results mean in theory? (50 words)
What do the results mean in practice? (50 words)
What is the key benefit for readers? (25 words)
What remains unresolved? (no word limit)
Model Structure of
The structure of the thesis/dissertation vary depending on many different factors especially the disciplinary contexts. However, in order to give you a basic overview our team has gathered a structure based on best practices and experience.
Chapter 1: Introduction
Background of the Study
Problem Statement
Purpose of the Study/Rationale
Significance of the Study
Definition of Terms
Theoretical Framework
Models/Methodological Approach
Research Questions/Hypotheses
Chapter 2: Literature Review
Historical Perspective
Theoretical Underpinnings
Main Body (Headings and Sub-headings)
State of the Art
Synthesis (Gaps, Trends, Themes, Practical Significance)
Summary in Tabular form
Chapter 3: Methodology
Research Approach
Participants and Sampling
Data Collection
Data Analysis
Chapter 4: Requirement Analysis (for CS, IT and Engineering)
Functional Requirements
Technical Requirements
UML and SYSML diagrams
Prototype Design
Engineering Analysis
Chapter 4: Results and Analysis
Descriptive Statistics
Testing the Research Questions
Additional Analysis
Chapter 5: Discussions
Summary of the Study
Discussion of Findings based on each question
Filling Gaps in Literature
Implications for Practice
Chapter 6: Conclusion
Recommendations for Further Research
Way Forward
Schools of Citation
These videos will provide a comprehensive overview of different citation styles and their usage. However, these videos are very beneficial as the experts provide some important rules which are generally overlooked by students. In order to get a detailed understanding we encourage you to use the following link:
Here, you will find all the major citation styles and their usage manuals.
Tables and Figures
In these videos a comprehensive outlook is provided on the best practices related to formatting and presenting tables and figures.